Divisions plugin for the TSU

Divisions plugin idea

For the TSU, I have recreated the BuddyPress group system to a stand alone plugin for the website.
The divisions plugin became the new place to be to see who was in a certain division.
And to look up what a certain division is about 😉

After a few months of cursing at BuddyPress for their lack of cross-plugin support.
I took some time with the admins to recreate the basic group management and make it a stand-alone plugin for WordPress.

Loading everything on the spot, the page uses hash code in the url to show the details of a certain group.
Word has it, it only misses the function of mass spamming everyone in a group (group admin/mod only) but the time might come for that to change… Eventually…

Project demands

  • The plugin had to be made without the use of any existing BuddyPress code
  • All the existing BuddyPress data had to stay preserved
  • Members had to join and leave divisions with a single call-to-action button
  • Division admins/mods had to have the ability to change their division content without an extra layer.

Want to see it in action?

Click here