Conversations with myself – #1 Firestarter

Good evening,
Been a while since our last conversation.

Yeah… Sorry about that… Been quite busy the last few weeks…

So I can see.
I like what you’ve done to the place

… It’s not quite finished… I know…

You look troubled.
Something bothering you?

No… Bothering is not the right word…
I have a lot on my mind… But I’m not quite bothered about them.
Troubled mayhaps, but not bothered…

Care to share?

You dare to use my own words against me?
But sure… I don’t see the harm in it.
Would you mind giving me that stick first?
The fire is about to go out.

Sure… There you go.
Now, continue.

So… I have been thinking…
Am I happy with everything I have?
Am I satisfied with all the things around me?

Why should you not be?

I don’t know…
You wanted to know what was on my mind…

Okay… But are you?

Am I what?

Are you happy about your current situation?

Yeah… Hell yes I am!
I have a wonderfull girlfriend.
A wonderfull house to live in.
Wonderfull friends who care about me.
And a job that pays for all the bills that are piling up!

I don’t see the problem then…

The fact that I’m always thinking that I could do better…
Somehow… I’m happy with what I have, but not happy with what I have?

How does that even work?

I have no idea…
You tell me, you’re supposed to be the smart one.

I’m half of you, don’t underestimate yourself…
Besides, you’re smart enough to not sit that close to the fire!

Hahaha, I know how to handle the flames…
As well as my own safety…
I am indeed smarter than I give myself credit for…

See… It’s not so hard.

But still… There are things in my mind that sould not be there…
And I have no idea how to get rid of them…

Well… For starters, you could stop putting more wood on the fire.
Just let this burn through and try to think of other stuff.
Like… You know… Happy things.

If only I could…
The best I can think of now, is how I’m going to take a shower once this fire goes out.
How I’m going to write down this conversation.
And how I’m going to snuggle up against my girlfriend once I’m done with all that.

See, there’s something nice.

Yeah, guess I should stick with that for now.

Speaking of sticks.
Give me that, the fire is almost out and we need to make sure it stays out.
Spreak the coals a bit!

Sure, you make sure the fire goes out and stays out.
I’m going to take a shower and then up to bed.
Another long day tomorrow.

Have a nice evening.

Yeah… You too…