Conversations with myself – #10 Time

“Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that the stuff life is made of.” – Benjamin Franklin.

Something I need more than I get in a day.
Why should a day be limited to 24 hours?

To prevent yourself from exhaustion?
You do need some sleep at some point…

Yeah… But why not have 32 hour days?
So… 24 hours to do whatever and 8 hours of sleep!

Because the rotation of the earth does not like your ideas.
So you better get used to it.
And make the best of it while you’re at it!

Ideas aside though…
On a more serious note.
Lots of people have the same problem.
They have a lot to do on a daily basis, but no idea how to manage their time.
And I’m one of those…

Ah, but you do have your weekly schedule!

Yeah… The one I’m trying to keep while still maintaining a social life with my friends.
And that’s the problem…
I have so much to do, with so many people all around the world…
That if it was even possible, I would rather sleep at other times than my current 23:00 – 07:00 moments…

How else would you like to see it?
It’s not like you can fall asleep on your job just so you can have a chat with those who are far away.
And even if you could, would you be sure that your mind would be up to it?

Ah shut it… I’m even talking to myself!
I’m pretty sure my mind would be up to it, if I had a certain sleeping schedule.
As a matter of fact… There has been some research regarding to brilliant minds and their sleeping schedules!
If you look at those, you’ll see that they managed to create the perfect schedule.

Yeah… But you’re not one of those.
You’ve got your 9 to 5 job that pays for your mortgage and food.
And you need both of them in order to have a place to sleep and eat!

I know!
But imagine, just for a bit, that I could create one of those schedules for myself.
It would be perfect!
I would sleep 4 hours at night and 4 during the day, just to get my 8 hours of sleep.
Which means I can have breakfast, lunch and dinner at normal times.
Talk to people both around Europe AND America.
And still have plenty of time to work on my projects and around the house!

Yeah, but there comes the second big thing in your life…
She will stick to her own schedule, which means you’ll have to be quiet during the night and will have to do chores during the day.
Otherwise she’ll have your ass for it.
She needs her 8 hours of sleep as well, and we both know what happens when you wake her for no reason!

Yeah… Probably not the best of ideas… But it sure would be awesome!
Perhaps one day… When my dreams come true…
When I have a kid, a good freelance customer base and all the time… in… the…
Darn… Kids… That would be another thing that will drain time in my schedule…

And with that…
There’s always something that will kick the support beams away from your schedule.
But you’ll just have to keep in mind what you’ve been telling others during the weekend!

Life isn’t as BAD as it gets.
It’s as GOOD as you make it!

And you’ll have to use the time you’ve got to it’s fullest potential.
While making the best of it!
So now… Get away from your computer and spend some quality time with your girl.
She needs your time as well you know!

Hehe, yeah… I know 🙂