Conversations with myself – #7 Trust

“The toughest thing about the power of trust is that it’s very difficult to build and very easy to destroy. The essence of trust building is to emphasize the similarities between you and the customer.” – Thomas J. Watson

Have you ever felt like there was no one around who you could really depend on?
Someone who always has your back, no matter how much they try to push you away for whatever reason?

Do you even have to ask?
You know that most of our youth was based on a lack of trust towards others.
You KNOW that every time you thought you could trust someone, somehow they still managed to stab you in the back.
Because THAT is the danger when someone has your back… They can stab it… And they can stab it hard!

I know, I know…
But looking back at those days… We sure have changed… Right?

We sure have.
Just look around you.
Look at all those friendly faces.
And I’m not talking about those who wear masks with painted smiles… No… I’m talking about genuine happy faces!
Of those who know, that you trust them, and know that they can trust you!
Because that is what makes you who you are today.

Isn’t it great?
Knowing how tough it has been in our past. And still managing to do all this.
Keeping all those in need happy, not by just listening, but by really being there for them.
Despite the fact that we know all the dangers involved.

It should be normal though…


Being able to trust someone without having to worry about anything.
Being able to open up to someone, without having to shield your back all the time.
To just, trust someone.

But being able to trust someone by itself is not that hard.
Being able to overcome the consequences when someone DOES stab you in the back…
That’s where the challenge begins.
And that is what we did!

Otherwise we would not be doing this out in public!

If we were not able to overcome those challenges…
Who knows what would have become of us!
We could be like one of the many people who just lock themselves away from society.
Scared of letting anyone near them in case things go bad AGAIN!

But you didn’t.
And that’s a good thing.
Because of that, you’re able to help others.
And as long as they accept your help, that’s one step closer for them to learn.
To see that it’s not so bad to trust someone.
To have someone to depend on, when times are rough and dark.

You know…
Even if all goes down the drain…
I’m happy that I’ve still got you to talk to.

You’re more than welcome.